
Join Event in MRRox App

How to join an event from the web portal (PC & iOS) (2 min video):

  1. Log into MRXPO web portal (https://www.mrxpo.com/join/)
  2. Click on “Events” to see list of events.
  3. Click on “Launch” button for the event you have signed up for and want to join.
  4. Click “Open” when prompted to launch app (MRRox app must be installed already). Then you will be automatically logged in.
  5. Select an avatar, and you will be directed to the correct event. Click on it to join.

How to join an event directly from the MRRox app:

  1. After launching the MRRox app, please enter username or email and password using the 3D virtual keyboard or physical keyboard and then tap “Login”. If you haven’t signed up for an account, you can continue by tapping on “Guest”.

    Tip for AR-enabled devices (iOS, Android, HoloLens): Please hold your device or gaze at eye level when launching the app. Your starting field of view may be limited, so please look around. The login screen should appear vertically fixated in the space in front of you.

    The 3D virtual keyboard works with mouse clicks, touch screen taps and air taps. You may want to “walk” closer to the keyboard to type.
  2. If you don’t have an MRXpo account yet, please click on “Signup” button to create an account via browser.
  3. If you wish to continue without an account setup, tap “Guest” to continue
  4. Tap to select an avatar and this avatar should appear inside the glass ball
  5. Enter a nickname and then tap the glass ball to continue
  6. Next you will see the Event Menu. Select an event type using menu on the left. For example, “open to all” will show upcoming public free access event in the next 30 days.
    Tip for AR-enabled devices (iOS, Android, HoloLens): You may need to physically take a step back to see the full menu in your field of view.
  7. After selecting an event type, you would see a list of events floating in front of you. Event types “publicly ticketed”, “invite only” and “private company” require valid tickets (either by your own creation or from others’ invitations).
  8. Tap on an event to join. Loading usually takes 5 to 10 seconds but may take longer. You cannot join an event if it’s more than 24 hours earlier than the start time or if the event has already ended.
  9. Once you are inside an event venue, you may need to wait for the organizer to start the event. You will also see some additional instructions which may be device dependent and venue dependent. Tap on “X” to dismiss.

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